Bollywood’s beloved heartthrob, Sidharth Malhotra, is celebrating his birthday today, January 16, 2025, and his wife, Kiara Advani, made the day even more memorable with a touching Instagram post. Kiara dedicated a heartfelt message to her ‘soulmate’, sharing a series of romantic photos that beautifully reflect their love and togetherness.
Kiara Advani wishes hubby Sidharth Malhotra on his birthday
The first image features Sidharth sitting in a car, effortlessly looking dashing. The second photo captures his warm smile as he poses for Kiara, radiating affection. In the third picture, the couple is seen in white outfits, sharing an adorable selfie that radiates happiness. The fourth photo showcases Sidharth against a peaceful floral backdrop, looking handsome as ever. The fifth picture shows them wrapped in a loving embrace, their connection evident in their closeness. The final image is a sweet moment of them cycling together, with Sidharth giving Kiara a tender peck on her head, leaving fans swooning over the display of love.
Sidharth and Kiara tied the knot in a grand ceremony at Suryagarh Palace in Jaisalmer on February 7, 2023, surrounded by close family, friends, and several Bollywood celebrities.